Leaders are particularly good at knowing what needs to be improved and providing the right training for all adults working in the school.
All leaders have a clear understanding of the strengths of the school and use their expertise to support its continuing development.
The academy is accurately judging its own effectiveness and has the right plans in place for improvement.
The progress of pupils with SEND is tracked on the basis of the curriculum that the pupils are working on and, with appropriate interventions put in place, have a positive impact on the good progress that these pupils make.
A rigorous and effective system for assessing and tracking pupils’ progress has been developed and is being used effectively by teachers to identify pupils who need additional support and to plan appropriate interventions.
Middle leaders spoke with confidence about the academy’s data system for tracking pupil attainment and progress. It enables them to identify pupils who are not reaching their individual targets, determine their needs, and plan appropriate intervention activities.
The academy’s rigorous and robust approach to monitoring and evaluating its inputs and outcomes has ensured that leaders and managers at all levels know what is expected of them.
[Leaders’] monitoring of the academy’s effectiveness is extremely robust, evaluation is incisive and honest, and actions taken effectively bring about the intended improvement.
The governors have an excellent understanding of the strengths of the school and what needs to be improved. They keep up to date with what is happening and interrogate school and national performance data. Because they receive good quality information, they are in a very good position to ask challenging questions to make sure that the senior leaders keep up the pace of improvement.
The leadership and management are outstanding: The school priorities are underpinned by rigorous and accurate self-evaluation. An extremely thorough system for monitoring pupil achievement ensures that the needs of all pupils are exceptionally well met.